
We have a room for 50 peo­ple,
(for ban­que­ts, wed­dings, bir­th­days, anni­ver­sa­ries and din­ners)..
A court with about 30 sea­ts
The venue is acces­si­ble for wheel­chair users„
air con­di­tio­ning
Wi-Fi is free
We are equip­ped to offer you deli­cious piz­za oven..
And a well-stocked bar whe­re you can taste ape­ri­tifs and cock­tails.

Our Cuisine

Our restau­rant ser­ves a varie­ty of dishes, from clas­sic influen­ces of
inter­na­tio­nal cui­si­ne and the time­less piz­za..

Eve­ry dish is pre­pa­red with fre­sh ingre­dien­ts and care­ful­ly selec­ted
from the best retai­lers and manu­fac­tu­rers in the area.

The chef also offers exclu­si­ve and uni­que dishes crea­ted by him with
com­bi­na­tions and ori­gi­nal and inno­va­ti­ve metho­do­lo­gy.

Our cui­si­ne mee­ts the needs of peo­ple expe­rien­ce
aller­gic and vege­ta­rian.

Our staff is at your dispo­sal to advi­se the dishes clo­ser to your needs.